Wednesday, July 16, 2014

California Drought

This year is a drought year, if you haven't heard.
A lot of the state is struggling, but we've been very grateful and fortunate.
One of the best things about where we are is the water.
We have springs popping up all over the place,
and though the grass is long gone and we have to feed the horses hay,
our wells aren't going to run dry.

Every drought is a cycle, and Veater Ranch has lived through more than one.
My dad tells a story at his company seminars that really puts things in perspective:
In the 1970's there was a terrible drought year,
and anytime my dad thinks of that decade he thinks of that terrible drought.
However, if you look at weather patterns for the years both before and after that one drought year...
they were years full of rain that he never remembers.

Our world is so focused on the trial period, the hardship, the drought, the drama....
But what about the up side?
Everyone remembers the stock market crash, but who remembers as well the happy years in between?

We all have a little bit of fatalist inside, I think.
Even though there's been feast and famine and happy and sad,
somehow when things get worse it seems like
the upside of whatever cycle we're in will never come.
There is wisdom in the words of a man I love,
"It isn't as bad as you sometimes think it is. It all works out. Don't worry. It will all work out"

How silly of us to so often forget life's springs.

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